Articles details

  • A Biologically Plausible Acoustic Motion Detection Neural Network
  • 01 Jan 1999
  • In this paper we present an acoustic motion detection system to be used in a small mobile robot. While the rst purpose of the system has been to be a reliable computational implementation, cheap enough to be built in hardware, e ort has also been taken to construct a biologically plausible solution. The motion detector consists of a neural network composed of motion-direction sensitive neurons with a preferred direction and a preferred region of the azimuth. The system was designed to produce a higher response when stimulated by motion in the preferred direction than in the null direction and that is in fact what the system does, which means that, as desired, the system can detect motion and distinguish its direction.
  • International Journal of Neural Systems
  • Sofia Cavaco, John Hallam
  • 9
  • 5
  • 453 to 459
  • 1 Jan 1999