Luis Caires
Luís Caires is full Professor of Computer Science and ERA Chair of UE BIG at Técnico University of Lisbon. He was Founding Director of NOVA LINCS, and Head of the Software Systems Group since the Lab foundations until July 2023. I am a member of IFIP WG 2.2, and (co-)author of several widely acknowledged contributions to concurrent and distributed programming, and trustworthy component and service-oriented computing and models (programming abstractions, logics, types, and tools), several developed in international collaborations. We publish at top venues such as POPL, ECOOP, ESOP, Concur, FoSSaCS. He was an organizer of ICALP'05, PC co-chair of Concur'07, and is member of Ed. Board of JLAMP. He often serves as PC member of top conferences in the field, and lectured at several international events.