João Araújo
João Araújo holds his Ph.D. from Lancaster University and is an Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His principal research interests are Requirements Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, and Human-Centric Development. He has co-founded the series of Model-Driven Requirements and Early Aspects workshops held at RE, OOPSLA, SPLC, and ICSE, where a special issue and a book were published. Additionally, he has served on the organization committees of conferences such as ER (Workshops and Project Exhibition Chair), RE (Tutorials Chair, Doctoral Symposium, Steering committee member (until 2022)), EASE (Workshop and Tutorial Chair), RCIS (Workshop Chair), ACM SAC (Track Chair), and ICSE (Publicity Chair) in the past few years. He was the co-General Chair of RE 2017. He has also been a PC member of several conferences including RE, ER, CaiSE, REFSQ. Currently, he is PC Chair of RCIS 2024. He is a Deputy Editor of IET Software. His main projects were AMPLE (funded by EU), ASSD (funded by ESA), SOFTAS and PASEV (funded by FCT), VALUE@CLOUD (funded by the Spanish government). He supervised and co-supervised 6 Ph.D. students, including Catarina Gralha (from NOVA, concluded in 2019), 4 post-docs (from UFPE, Brazil), and around 40 MSc students (from NOVA). He was awarded the most influential paper at AOSD 2013 and the best paper at CAiSE 2014.