Miguel Goulão
Miguel Goulão is an Associate Professor of the Informatics Department of FCT/UNL and a researcher at the Software Systems group. He has a Ph.D. (2008) in Informatics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His primary research goals are to make software development more inclusive and to enhance software developers' productivity and experience. Miguel uses Empirical Software Engineering and User Experience evaluation techniques to identify the strengths and weaknesses of languages, tools, and approaches and propose improvements. Miguel is particularly interested in improving the understandability of Requirements Engineering and Domain-Specific Languages (and of specifications built with those languages), to empower developers and other stakeholders with varied skills to contribute more effectively to software development. Miguel chairs a Working Group of the COST ACTION CA 19122 European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics and is a project member of the TaRDIS Horizon project. He co-chairded a working group in MPM4CPS - ICT COST Action IC1404 - Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems and was a member of the ICT COST Action IC1406 - High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet), among several other research projects. Miguel published over 70 peer-reviewed book chapters, and papers in international journals, conferences, and workshops. He served as guest editor of special issues in international journals, as PC member, and as PC and Organizing Chair in several events. He co-edited a book entitled "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems". Miguel (co-)supervised 4 PhD students and 2 post-docs. He received the best paper award at the 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2014), a special mention as “Candidate for best paper award” at the 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’19), and co-authored the paper receiving the János Szentes Award for the best paper on Software Metrics presented at the 6th European Conference on Software Quality (ECSQ 1999). Moreover, he received four reviewer awards for his participation in international conferences Program Committees, three of which were in CORE A conferences.