Vasco Amaral
Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics at NOVA School of Sciences and Technology of NOVA University of Lisbon since 2005. Elected President of the Informatics Engineering College at the Portuguese Order of Engineers (Ordem of Engenheiros). IFIP national representative (2022-2025). Has a PhD from Mannheim University in 2005, under an FC&T fellowship, after a BSc from IST in 1998. His major areas of interest are Software Engineering in general and, in particular, Model-Driven Software Development, Domain-Specific Languages, and Cyber-Physical Systems Modelling. He has worked as a research collaborator at CERN (Geneva) and DESY (Hamburg) as a LIP-Lisbon member. He is currently (since 2006) a research-integrated member at NOVA LINCS (previously CITI). He is a senior member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering and a senior member of IEEE. He was vice-chair of a COST Action on Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-physical Systems. he has also organized a series of 8 international doctoral Summer Schools (DSM-TP), a doctoral training school (MPM4CPS 2018), and workshops (MPM, HuFaMo). He was co-editor of Journal Special issues (Software Quality Journal, Comput. Lang. Syst. Struct.). He was also involved in organising international Conferences (co-chair and PC chair of QUATIC14 and 2016, and other organization roles in conferences such as VL/HCCC and MODELS). He supervised 2 Posdocs, 4 PhD students, 3 PhD ongoing supervision, and >70 MSc students. He has >100 peer-reviewed publications in journals, conferences and workshops.