Pedro Cardoso
Pedro J. S. Cardoso received the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics/Operations Research from the University of Seville (USev), Spain, in 2008 a master's degree in Computational Mathematics from the University of Minho, Portugal, in 1999, and a degree in Mathematics/Computer Science from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 1996. He is currently an Coordinator Professor at the Intitute of Engineering (ISE), University of Algarve (UAlg), Portugal, and a researcher at the NOVA LINCS Algarve research center, Portugal. He has been involved in several scientific and development projects, from which the following are highlighted: AGERAR+ (Almacenamiento y Gestión de Energía Renovable), CE_RURAL (Centro de Emprendimiento Rural), ATTENTIA (AgriculTura sosTENible de cíTricos con Inteligencia Artificial), GSSIC (Green Spaces SMART Irrigation Control), INSPECT (Monitorização Não-Intrusiva da Performance em Sistemas Eléctricos), PROTeuS (PROmoting security and safeTy by crEating a MED cluster on Maritime Surveilance), M5SAR (Mobile Five Senses Augmented Reality System For Museums), MTI (Managing The Intelligence), PRHOLO (O Relações Públicas Holográfico Realista), i3FR (Intelligent Fresh Food Fleet Router), SRM (Smart Revenue Management), and FOOTDATA (Sistema Integrado de informação para o futebol). Pedro Cardoso (co-)authored more than 90 publications, and is the editor of +10 books & proceedings. He has also (co-)organized various scientific meetings (e.g., ICCS'2019 and IbPria) and served on program committees and journal editorial boards. In ICCS and HCII meetings, he has been co-organizing, for several year, the SmartSys (@ICCS) and Universal Access in Human-Machine Cooperation and Intelligent Environments workshops (@HCII). He serves as the director of the Electrical Engineering Department and has been a member of the Technical and Scientific Council of the Institute of Engineering for over a decade. Additionally, he has held roles as the vice-director of the Electrical Engineering department, overseen the direction and vice-direction of the degree course in Electrical Engineering (ISE/UAlg), served as vice-director of the degree course in Information and Communication Technologies (ISE/UAlg), and fulfilled the positions of director for both the short cycle in Information and Technologies Systems and the short cycle in Computer Technologies. In his academic career at ISE (Polytechnic School), he has advised 14 master's theses and is now the adviser of 3 PhD theses.