
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Applied Semantics II

APPSEM is a thematic network funded by the IST programme of the European Union.
Its objective is to promote research into application-oriented semantics of programming languages.
APPSEM does this by organising and sponsoring workshops, summer schools, and individual visits.
APPSEM does not fund researchers or PhD students.
The APPSEM research programme is structured into nine themes.
APPSEM is a thematic network funded by the IST programme of the European Union.
Its objective is to promote research into application-oriented semantics of programming languages.
APPSEM does this by organising and sponsoring workshops, summer schools, and individual visits.
APPSEM does not fund researchers or PhD students.
The APPSEM research programme is structured into nine themes.


Luis Caires

Funding Total 400000
Funding Center 20
State Concluded
Startdate 01/01/2003
Enddate 01/01/2006