
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Infrastructure for Client-Based Desktop virtualisation

The iCBD (Infrastructure for Client-Based Desktop virtualization) project aims to research and develop an architecture to support desktop virtualization focused on the desktop itself as the executing platform; this approach contrasts with the widely used VDI implementations, that use servers in computing farm as the executing platform, while the desktop itself is used only as a display device.
The iCBD aims, however, to keep the well known server-based VDI centralised ease-of-administration, while offering both Unix (Linux) and Windows flavours that are instantiations, on the “local” desktops, of VM templates stored in VM pools.


Paulo Afonso Lopes, Pedro Medeiros, Nuno Preguiça,

State Concluded
Startdate 22/02/2016
Enddate 22/02/2018