
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Spreadsheet Models for the Real World

preadsheets are widely recognized as popular programming systems for non-professional users. A huge amount of spreadsheets is created every day, in many cases, by proDt-oriented companies in their decision processes. While this illustrates their prac6cal importance, studies show that up to 90% of real-world spreadsheets contain errors.
To improve their efec6veness, the SE community has proposed model-driven spreadsheet development: this was ini6ated by researchers of the German team with the proposal of ClassSheet models, the Drst spreadsheet modeling (visual) language, which was further extended by the Portuguese team, who have integrated ClassSheets within a framework for full model-driven spreadsheet engineering.
However, real-world case studies have shown that ClassSheets are some6mes not expressive enough. We, therefore, aim at proposing and valida6ng a new spreadsheet modeling framework for real-world spreadsheets, in collabora6on with our industrial partners.


Jácome Cunha, Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer, Jorge Mendes, Rui Pereira

Sname Spreadsheet Models for the Real World
Funding Total 2000 EUR
Funding Center 2000 EUR
State Concluded
Startdate 01/09/2015
Enddate 31/08/2016