
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

MuSE: Multimodal Searchable Encryption Library and Prototype

The MUSE prototype combines standard cryptographic primitives with Searchable Encryption Constructions based on Symmetric-key Block Searchable Ciphers, as library services for cloud-backed applications to dynamically store, update, and search multimodal datasets with privacy and efficiency guarantees.

The prototype was developed in a jointly effort with Guilherme Borges, Bernardo Ferreira and João Leitão, for research use and related experimental evaluation punished on: MUSE: MULTIMODAL SEARCHABLE ENCRYPTION FOR CLOUD APPLICATIONS, Proc. of the 37th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems 2018 (SRDS 2018)

The MUSE prototype effort iterates the previous MIE Prototype: A searchable encryption framework for multimodal data (i.e. data containing multiple media formats simultaneously) especially designed for supporting mobile devices and optimizing their storage, computation, and battery resources. MIE and MUSE allows multiple users to securely store, update, and search multimodal data in commercially available clouds. The first MIE version of the prototype was released and described in Ferreira, B., Leitao, J., & Domingos, H. (2017, June). Multimodal Indexable Encryption for Mobile Cloud-based Applications. In Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2017 IEEE/IFIP 47th International Conference on. IEEE.


Guilherme Borges, Henrique Domingos, Bernardo Ferreira