
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

TSKY-TMS: Management of Private Mailboxes Stored in Public Clouds

This prototype implements a middleware system allowing the management of remote private mailboxes stored in public clouds (ex., Amazon, Rackspace, Goggle, etc), with a front end implemented on a Web-Based Interface. The middleware externalizes the user interface and a SMTP server endpoint that redirects received Mail messages as sealed encrypted objects stored in remote storage clouds. The system allows management and searching functions over the encrypted messages stored in the remote clouds, never exposing the content of mail messages in the cloud-side. All the messages are always maintained encrypted during all the operations over the remote cloud-objects. The system uses a combination of cryptographic processes including group threshold cryptographic schemes, allowing the replication of remote sealed objects in different clouds, to avoid intrusion attacks against the messages protected in the sealed encrypted objects stored in any specific cloud.

The prototype was implemented in a joint work with João Rodrigues, a MSc student in the Dep. of Informatics, FCT/UNL, as a refinement of an initial prototype previousçy developed in the context of the CSNS Course (Computer Systems and Network Security).


Henrique Domingos

Date 01/04/2013