
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Usability Software Engineering – Modeling Environment (USE-ME)

Usability engineering aims to increase the awareness and acceptance of established usability methods among software practitioners. Awareness of the basic usability methods is expected to enhance the ease of use and acceptability of a system for a particular class of users carrying out specific tasks in a specific environment. It is claimed to affect the user’s performance and satisfaction. Further, the software engineering aims to support the systematic development and is concerned with all aspects of software production. We are introducing the usability engineering methods into the Domain-Specific Language life-cycle by following model driven development Software Language Engineering (SLE) process.

Similarly to the other software qualities, usability evaluation cannot be just added by the SLE at the end of the development process. Instead, it has to be included in the development process from the beginning by accurately profiling the end-user and finding the right definition of the problem. The idea is to support usability evaluations, expressed as regular expert evaluator activities, in the SLE, backed by a Usability Software Engineering Modeling Environment conceptual framework that promotes the iterative user-centered evaluation approach.

(see also


Ankica Barisic, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão, Dominique Blouin, Sara Rosa

Date 21/11/2016